The alarms work and up we get. Taxi arrives 0515 and we arrive Tortola airport 35mins later, and join a queue. Our flight is on time, and we board the Dash 8 plane, noting Richard Branson’s private jet, parked nearby. We stop off at St Martin, en-route, a good place for shopping, apparently, and land eventually, in Antigua at 0830 - more forms to fill-in. Out with our bags 6/6 - hooray, and a long wait to check-in, staying in the airport cafĂ©, where we eat breakfast. Luckily, the f.a. cup final is on, so everyone is absorbed with this, and after the match we check-in , and are given 56 a-f, which means g is empty - no it wasn’t, so Aunty had the pleasure of sitting next to a very big man, whose various body parts invaded her ‘space’ from time to time.
Once through immigration and security, we have another few hours wait before boarding the plane, which is on time. The flight is choc-full and another friendly crew are on board. Another 747 - ‘English Rose’. Flight time 7.23 hours and we reach lgw on time, and are soon off the aircraft, and out to baggage carousels.
Once through Customs, we find Kerry waiting for Richard - also taking Adam, and Mick the driver, for the rest of us. Hellos and Goodbyes are made all too hurriedly, and we realise the holiday has come to an end. We’ve had a wonderful time , and a great adventure - roger, over and out.xxxxxxx