A good sleep - we wake 0530 and gradually get our act together. Adam slept on deck in various positions. Harti in saloon, Rich sprawled in cabin, Lil in ‘state’ cabin, and Debs and Aunty in another. Each cabin has its own ‘heads’ so diarrhoea should not be a problem.

We are surrounded by boats of all types - and lots of Americans. Their influence is everywhere - toilets/showers, supermarket, and restaurant.- and free snorkelling equipment. We go for the buffet breakfast and fill our boots, before returning to meet Hans who gives us our boat briefing, and then Capt H and Lil go for a sailing briefing. Aunty uses this opportunity to sort out the frig, and check out the two shops nearby. We also try to find out about missing bags - so difficult with the laid-back, couldn’t care less attitude from the staff - and they tell fibs. Were told bags would be here that morning - they weren’t.

So, we decide to do a day-sail instead, and get the feel of our craft. Debs - ’winch -wench’ is i/c dinghy and has to perform a manoeuvre with it, before we leave port. We sail to Peter Island - still in our travel clothes (some of us), and Adam - ’beau-son II’ - sports his colourful Calvin Klein underpants, in shades of pink, white and yellow. An anchor manoeuvre is performed by Richard - ‘ beau-son I‘- successful, and we eat a picnic lunch with swimming to follow, and a live display from a local pelican, dive-bombing into the sea to catch his fish. Aunty’s cocktail of the day is ROMGB - rum,orange juice,mango juice, and ginger beer - deeee -licious.

We return to base at 5. The boys rush off to look for the bags - thumbs up, they have arrived - all except Aunty’s!! However, clothes-share is soon actioned by Lil and Debs. Washing of bodies etc. follows, although the boys use facilities offered by another company, The Moorings, as ‘there was no vomit on the floor’ ! We dine at the marina restaurant - very good food. - the fish fingers are nothing like the findus/birdseye jobs. We are all very tired, and soon retire - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz