0600 Aunty awake. Lil zzzzzzzing, ipod attached, but apparently hasn’t a clue what she was listening to. Adam arrives, above hatch to photograph the ‘sleeping beauty’, who wakens and tells him to disappear.
Preps are rapidly made for departure, gps set at 155, and anchors aweigh at 0815. We weave our way through the other boats and out to sea. Lots of tacking required, and Adam is sporting another fashion item - Calvin Klein swimmers in black and white. The speedos with Australia written on the back only came out once, and we notice they were modelled face -down on the deck. These items are fondly known as budgie smugglers in Oz.
He later shouts that there is a brown buoy in the way - this turns out to be another turtle - so we’ve all seen one now and Debs contains her emotion.

We do a long sail, and forego a stop at Norman Island, which is where people take their clothes off, apparently. Aunty resists the urge to jump ship, and instead dresses as a pirate to add a bit of interest to the journey. She has also been giving the crew a daily quiz to keep their brains in training. We reach Brandy Wine Bay later than expected. The place is deserted, which is a good job as no-one to witness the boathook falling in and a not very good buoy -grabbing technique. This rectified, by Debs and dinghy action, lunch is prepared.

We are still trying to eat up the rations, and then it gets a bit silly, as a sausage, very imaginatively shaped like a man’s parts, is passed round, and posed with at various angles, eventually ending up in the Calvin Kleins - say no more.

Capt H, Richard and Adam go ashore to explore and to check out the Brandy Wine Restaurant. It is very hot today, and they are soon back with us. This is not a good place to overnight, as it is alongside the road, which is hilly and noisy.

After an hour, we decide to head home for our base, and get cleaned-up and packed for our very early start in the morning. We are guided back to our pontoon, and after a few tricky turns, we dock the boat at the Sunsail base, Road Harbour. Much activity on shore, as this is change-over time, and boats are being checked, repaired, cleaned, and re-stocked ready for their new occupants. The Hartis go for a swim, Aunty guards the bags, and it starts to rain a bit. The showers/loos are welcomed, and copious cleaning of bodies is performed. Hans checks that all is ok., forms are signed, one photo-shoot with our crew shirts on, and a final meal at the marina - Caribbean buffet - very good, but cannot do it justice really.
Alarms are set - 0400 - good night shipmates